
11 Life Hacks for Staying in Shape at the Office, 5th One is the Best!

How to Get Fit at Work Without Losing Productivity

Curvier women often have trouble finding time to workout and further their careers. But what if I told you that you could do both at the same time? By following these tips, you can stay in shape while working a full-time job.

Wherever your office is the time spent sitting in front of the computer or at the desk is only increasing.

To lead your best life, follow these 11 Life Hacks for Staying in Shape at the Office, 5th One is the Best!

No longer do you have to live with back pain and the other harmful side effects that come from sitting down all day. When your job entails being stationary at a desk for long hours, it can be tough to stay healthy.

This lack of physical activity not only harms your body but also decreases how productive you are at work.

In this blog post, we will give you 10 tips to help you stay healthy and productive at work!

1. Set Fitness Goals:

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The benefits of exercise are well-documented, but starting a new fitness routine can be daunting. One way to increase your motivation is to set fitness goals.

By setting specific, achievable goals, you can track your progress and see the results of your efforts.

Additionally, research has shown that people who set fitness goals are more likely to stick with their workout routine.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are many online resources and apps that can help you get started. And remember, even small changes can lead to big results.

So don’t be discouraged if you don’t reach your goal overnight—just keep working towards it, and you’ll be on your way to living your best life.

2. Wearables

Wearable technology is revolutionizing the way we exercise. No longer do we need to go to the gym or lace up our running shoes to get a workout. With a wearable device, we can exercise anywhere, anytime.

And we’re not just talking about simple step counters. These devices can track our heart rate, calories burned, and distance traveled even set Reminders.

They can also provide motivation and encouragement, helping us to reach our fitness goals.

Whether we’re looking for tips for staying in shape at the office or getting in shape for a race, wearable technology can help us accomplish our objectives.

So why not strap on a wearable device and see how it can help you achieve your fitness goals?

3. Standing Desk

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A standing desk, or a stand-up desk, is simply a desk that lets you stand while working instead of sitting. This can have many benefits for both your physical and mental health.

With the many adjustable modern versions, you can control the height of your desk to seamlessly go from sitting to standing.

Other potential health benefits of standing desks are assumed based on the finding that long hours of sitting are linked with a higher risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease cancer (especially cancers of the colon or breast), and premature death.

At the very least, using this type of desk can partly negate the harmful effects of sitting too much.

4. Balance Boards

Photo by Gustavo Torres on Unsplash

A recent study showed that if you use an adjustable desk, depending on your body type, you can increase your energy expenditure during the workday. Adding a balance board to your routine can help further increase your energy expenditure and mix up your routine.

Let’s Move Mate is my favourite so far. I love each slat moves independently, allowing for smooth dynamic movements. It has width and individual front and back movement that most balance boards aren’t designed for.

The best balance boards for a desk workouts have these features:

  • nonslip features to help you stay upright,
  • a limited range of motion that activates your muscles without distracting you from important tasks.
  • a nonslip deck and feet
  • Soft rubber feet or padding on the underside of your board
  • choose a balance board that gently rocks or wobbles in place
  • You’ll also want to check out the dimensions and weight capacity of the board

Whether you want to improve your posture or tips for staying in shape at the office, a great balance board can make spending the day at your desk even more engaging. 

Using a balance board with a standing desk also has a ton of its own potential health benefits, including improved balance, coordination, and injury prevention, since your time on the board helps strengthen crucial joints. Read More.

5. Under Desk Treadmill

If you don’t have an active job, it’s likely that you spend the majority of your day sitting–even if you make time for a daily run.

A sedentary lifestyle not only has been linked to health problems including heart disease, diabetes, and an increased risk of early mortality but may also mean you’re negating some of the benefits of running or working out at the gym.

Even though you have a desk job, that doesn’t imply you’re doomed to sit down all day.

An under-desk treadmill lets you move around constantly throughout the day, enhancing your metabolism and cardiovascular fitness with each step.

Check out the best under-desk treadmills on the market today.

There are some specs that matter when looking for an under-desk treadmill:

  • Armrests fold down
  • Size
  • Max capacity
  • Speed
  • Wheels for easy transport
  • Easy storage
  • Additional features

6. Desk Exercises

Moving more throughout the day can help to improve your overall health, and there are plenty of easy exercises you can do right at your desk.

For example, try chair dips to tone your arms and shoulders. Sit up tall in your chair with your feet flat on the floor, then place your hands on the edge of the seat. Slowly lower yourself down until your elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle, then press back up to the starting position.

Another great way to get your heart pumping is by doing some desk pushups.

Start in a standing position with your feet shoulder-width apart, then place your hands on the edge of your desk. Bend your elbows and lower yourself down until your chest nearly touches the surface of the desk, then push back up to the starting position.

Desk exercises are a great way to break up a sedentary workday and build strength in your upper body.

7. Resistance Bands Exercise

Resistance bands are a great way to get a strength workout in, even if you’re short on time or space. They’re also relatively inexpensive, making them a great option for office fitness enthusiasts who want to stay in shape without spending a lot of money.

Because they’re so versatile, you can use resistance bands for a wide variety of strength exercises. Whether you’re looking to tone your arms or legs or build strength in your core, there’s a resistance band workout that’s perfect for you.

So why not give them a try? You might be surprised at just how effective they are. Read more.

8. Sit on an Exercise Ball

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An exercise ball may improve your posture, give you more energy, and help with your balance.1 Since you have to move around more when using an exercise ball, it might also make you burn more calories.

According to a 2017 study, which monitored how bodies physically reacted over a 10-minute sitting period, it was concluded that those who sat on stability balls activated their lower body muscles.

A separate study found that sitting on a ball might even improve core endurance. Furthermore, many people believe that sitting on a ball encourages exercise. Once you have the ball handy, it’s easy to roll back from the desk and do a few core-strengthening moves. Read More.

9. Invisible Exercises

If you’re looking for staying in shape at the office, then Invisible exercises may be perfect for you! These are small movements that can easily be done right at your desk without anyone batting an eye.

And the best part is, since you don’t need to stand up or leave your seat, these exercises are great for doing while working.

So if you’re worried about looking silly doing squats in your cubicle (spoiler alert: everyone does it!), then this list of exercises is definitely for you! Read More.

Glute Clench

Did you know that exercising your glutes can help improve circulation, make you more alert, and help burn a few extra calories?

To work your glutes, all you have to do is clench or flex your buttocks muscles and hold for five or ten seconds.

Flutter Kick

This exercise is invigorating because it pumps more blood to your legs. Also, by kicking up blood circulation, you are lessening the likelihood of developing varicose veins–which happen when blood stagnates in veins.

Keep your feet parallel in front of you then simply move them up and down like you’re swimming breaststroke.

Leg Bounce

Have you ever had a coworker who is constantly bouncing their knee up and down? (I have!) What you may not know is that this behavior can actually be beneficial for your health.

By doing this simple exercise, you are burning more calories than if you were to just sit still. Place your foot on the floor and quickly bounce your knee up and down repeatedly.

Leg Raise

If you have long legs and find that your desk doesn’t provide enough legroom, simply push back from your desk a little to do this stretch.

Stretching your legs out straight not only feels good but also gives you the gravity resistance needed to avoid becoming an active couch potato. Extend your legs out in front of you and hold for five or ten seconds before repeating with the other leg.

Calf Raise

No one will even realize you’re burning more calories and multitasking as you put together that report with this subtle, invisible exercise. Start by placing your feet flat on the floor in front of you. Then, press up through the ball of your foot to flex your calf as you go.

10. Stash Healthy Snacks

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It’s important to have healthy snacks on hand to keep your energy up throughout the day. I like to keep a stash of healthy snacks at my desk so I can have something to eat on my lunch break or during short breaks.

This helps me stay focused and productive, and it makes me feel good knowing I’m taking care of myself. Plus, it’s one less thing I have to worry about when I’m trying to get through my day.

Having a stash of healthy snacks is a simple life hacks for staying in shape at the office.

11. Bring Your Lunch

According to a recent study, the average American spends nearly $1000 on lunch each year. If you have a desk job, that means your likely spending a significant amount of time waiting in line or sitting in traffic just to grab a quick bite.

Not only is this a waste of time, but it can also be a major drain on your wallet. By bringing your lunch from home, you can save both time and money. And with a little bit of planning, it’s easy to do.

Just choose a few simple recipes that you can make ahead of time, and stock your pantry with the necessary ingredients. Then, when it’s time for lunch, you’ll have something healthy and delicious to eat – without having to leave your desk.

Wrap Up

If you’re like most people, you probably spend the majority of your day sitting at a desk. But there are some easy things you can do to make sure you stay in shape, even while working. Taking a few minutes each day to get up reduce your stress, and move around. This will help keep your energy level up and improve your workplace productivity.

If possible, try to take a break for lunch outside, maybe a short walk, getting some fresh air and sunshine. You might be surprised how some fresh air improves your well being.

These simple tips will help keep your mind and body sharp all day long!

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